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about Sakai

About the Sakai (*I am only informing you because of harassment, and there is no particularly interesting information)

(Abbreviated lineage) Nomi-sukune Haji Oe Oe Kaito Sakai Sakai

            Nitta (Yoshishige lineage) Odate Sakai


- Minamoto Honya Sakai family from the western edge of the Eastern Hills for State slope at the foot of a mountain (Bishu) emon=police (later Mukae(i)-machi, Ko-maki City, now within 1, 2, and 3 chome, Komaki City) moved from the Mikawa area (Katabami crest, the crest of Nitta Only Sakai has inherited Nitta's. The others cannot.)

For ancestors of the Jomon and Yayoi periods long before the Mikawa area, see the Kami-Worou Shimo-Worou site in Shitara-cho, Aichi Prefecture (moved south from the "cold" northern area with a perimeter dike, rounded features of the site, etc.).

Those with knowledge of the 'clan' will naturally recognise us as the sort that migrated from the north-east over the continent.

The number of genji in the Owari area is much fewer than in the late Showa period.

Until the end of the Edo period, State slope at the foot of a mountain  ---- members were involved in town planning and construction, including the Kiso Kaido Road and umaya, and landscape for State slope at the foot of a mountain (Bishu) , a region that extends round from there too a safe town that could boast of being like Edo. Inui-mine.

From the middle to the first half of the Edo period, they were involved in open exchange (trade, transportation, etc.) with foreign countries other than their ancestral roots in Asia.

Clans in the Edo period had many related areas, mainly in eastern Japan.

Sericulture (mulberry trees were planted in mulberry fields in Yasuda-cho, Komaki City) and construction until the mid-Showa period after the abolition of the clan due to the abolition of feudal domains in the prefecture

Sakai's ancestors were respectable and gentle people who lived in the spirit of Confucianism as public figures.

Serious and with a sense of humor, not hard and inflexible.


I was raised strictly by my grandparents and gently by my great-grandmother.

Maternal grandmother was a clan from Mie.

I want my generation to inherit all the hardships of my parents, who had to put up with the constant falsification of the history of the Sakai family in order to erase it from Komaki in Owari (Bishu) .

I do not like the today Owari (Bishu) who continue to mock my Sakai ancestors.

Because of the harassment and the violation of the family register, all the graves of the Sakai family (about 20-25 graves [35.292347, 136.923648] as far as I know), including the Kame lot lot, had to be moved to a different place than where they were originally located.

And now there are other people's graves on top of the original graves where my ancestors slept for generations.

I am the last descendant to see the grave where my ancestors slept.

I wish we could go back to the Japan of the "Orient" rather than the Japan of today.

(In next year's Taiga Drama, Tokugawa Ieyasu will be made into a story about a "country upstart")

(Same for Sakai. All this was said by TV and strangers without thinking of their descendants. That's why I'm annoyed.)

In Japan, the old families have been treated like fools since the late Showa period (Aichi Prefecture is a particularly bad area).

More and more violent people refer to the guards(emon)=police as manslaughterers.

There is no such thing as a fight.

Stories about guards (= police) chasing bad people.

A sad society that has changed since the late Showa period.

People who should be protecting themselves are no longer being protected.

設楽町 上ヲロウ下ヲロウ遺跡


Machilus thunbergii

City tree : Machilus thunbergii

Scientific name: Machilus thunbergii

       Genus Machilus thunbergii

       Swedish botanist Thunberg Latin name M


Materials published in the late Showa period

Green circle "Historic site Komakiyama"

Red circle "Historic site (Komakiyama site)": circular burial mound "The mountain enshrines a god"



As of September 2021, there are still many traces of our ancestors' lives in Komaki City. The westernmost base rocks of the eastern hills of Komakiyama and Iwasakiyama are the same.

I think my extensive knowledge of reading the features of the rocky mountains at that time and the technology from Europe is cooler than anyone else.

But Komaki City is trying to further destroy Komaki Mountain, which has ancient burial mounds and was protected by ancestors building member of the imperial family.(as of 2023)


Example:POWs=People who enjoy a game of Japanese history

Miki Tanaka in komaki city= Chinese,Shunsuke Tomatsu in komaki city= Filipino,Noriyuki Sawada in tokyo= Korean


私がまだ10代の頃、父に神社を壊して土を被せて埋めちゃったんだと教えてもらいました 事あるごとに家族でお参りに行っていたそうです







(4) Material issued in the late Showa period (1) Topographical map of the same

Green: "Special Historic Site Nagoya Castle Ruins" Nagoya Castle is indicated by a structure.

Red: "Meijo Tenshukaku Shell Mound" from the Late Jomon period was located in the Honmaru.


⑤昭和後期発行教育資料 ①同地形図



③昭和後期発行資料 ①同地形図





(4) Material issued in the late Showa period (1) Topographical map of the same

Green: "Special Historic Site Nagoya Castle Ruins" Nagoya Castle is indicated by a structure.

Red: "Meijo Tenshukaku Shell Mound" from the Late Jomon period was located in the Honmaru.



(5) Educational material published in the late Showa period (i) Topographical map of the same

Ruins of Okazaki Castle

There was a large shrine on the site of the present Okazaki Castle.




「自分の所へ入るのに⚪︎⚪︎が必要なのか」と祖父が怒っていました 子どもの頃から親戚一同で遊びに行っていた 以前のもう少し黒い色の瓦は明治期に修復した際のもの 内展示の桃を形取った瓦はこの場に祀った神社(現在とは別で弁天様)のもの 周辺には桜並木の大きな公園があり多くの方が集う広い観光地だったとおばが楽しそうに話していました

(4) Material issued in the late Showa period (1) Topographical map of the same

Green: "Special Historic Site Nagoya Castle Ruins" Nagoya Castle is indicated by a structure.

Red: "Meijo Tenshukaku Shell Mound" from the Late Jomon period was located in the Honmaru.

屋根にあった飾り瓦 江戸期を象徴




(4) Material issued in the late Showa period (1) Topographical map of the same

Green: "Special Historic Site Nagoya Castle Ruins" Nagoya Castle is indicated by a structure.

Red: "Meijo Tenshukaku Shell Mound" from the Late Jomon period was located in the Honmaru.

昭和​40年ごろの校舎 三本松あり






​向かって左奥には曳馬山(小牧山)が近い 曽祖母の住んでいた茅葺の屋根も見える






(4) Material issued in the late Showa period (1) Topographical map of the same

Green: "Special Historic Site Nagoya Castle Ruins" Nagoya Castle is indicated by a structure.

Red: "Meijo Tenshukaku Shell Mound" from the Late Jomon period was located in the Honmaru.

この辺りにも古墳は多くあり 戦いの場と言われているところは二本松です

周辺には池があった遺跡 葦で覆われ昭和後期まで大きな神社で弁天様を祀られていました



​るろう ルロウ


愛知県内栄螺型古墳 後継ぎ女性 5世紀(の頃の場所) 紫かたばみの咲く場

​栄える」は人の集まる の意味があります

(4) Material issued in the late Showa period (1) Topographical map of the same

Green: "Special Historic Site Nagoya Castle Ruins" Nagoya Castle is indicated by a structure.

Red: "Meijo Tenshukaku Shell Mound" from the Late Jomon period was located in the Honmaru.

浜名湖舘山寺 夏休みに2日間だけお店の夏季休業中家族旅行では静岡方面や富士山周辺の湖、能登半島の辺りの温泉など遠くまで連れて行ってもらいました

Sakai Honya The Way of Respect

◯Green leaf tea / 茶

◯Hana (flower) / 花

◯Smell of fragrance / 香

◯Arts and Sciences , Education / 学

◯International connections (outside of Asia) / 繋がり(アジア以外の海外)

Sakai Honya The Way of Respect

◯Wooden construction and carpentry(How to construct wood : IGUMI) / 建築・大工(木の井組み・汲み)

◯Kimono (silk and woven) / 着物(絹・織)

◯Noh and Gaku / 能・楽

​◯Painting and ceramics / 描・陶

​Doing things for the benefit of others


As of September 2021, there are still many traces of our ancestors' lives in Komaki City. The westernmost base rocks of the eastern hills of Komakiyama and Iwasakiyama are the same.

I think my extensive knowledge of reading the features of the rocky mountains at that time and the technology from Europe is cooler than anyone else.

But Komaki City is trying to further destroy Komaki Mountain, which has ancient burial mounds and was protected by ancestors building member of the imperial family.(as of 2023)

atelier s design office Staff List

my husband

*Sakai 酒井 = 祝い酒(建築など祝い事)、とり(酉)​、水面に映る光粒




東部丘陵西端へ入られた後の代々の祖父母の出身地の方 由なづけさん




SAKAI masayo

I was gently raised by my great-grandmother and strictly by my grandparents.

A word against harassment

I believe that many grandparents would rather respect all life in this world, including people, things, plants, and living things, and wish for warm human connections than to harm or threaten others.



海外では家の歴史・そこにある歴史を受け次ぐのは当たり前の話。私たちと同じ日本人ではない人たちがいるイジメ好き歴史改竄の日本では日常に危険があると多くの方が判断されています。海外の方々へはその事情(以前と変わらず)と殆どの日本在住者が誰が行方不明なのかを隠し生活していることをお伝えし、それらに今後も変わらず気を付けていただきながら、多くの方に地球の歴史と共に受け継がれている仕事・人・オリエントを温かく理解いただいていることに心より感謝しています。今後もあまり日本を信じず、日本・日本からの旅行者の動向・言動にご注意と警戒をくれぐれも願います。, April 2023

P.S. 1 「Japan is a comical country. People who are not Japanese call themselves Japanese.」

P.S. 2 現在日本にあるものは殆どが偽物だと存じられています​ 日本に関心がない


昭和30年(1955)の市政時人口わずか3200人の穏やかな地域を知っている方々は現在人口14万にどこからか膨れ荒く感覚の低く受け取りのおかしな威張った様に変化していった数十年を全て見てずっと迷惑に感じています。縁も何も無いのに勝手に流れて来た感覚を一方的に押し付けられ、遠慮をしているのをやっと大人しくなったと言う人。それに加えた「ここは俺の土地 勝手に入るな」の主張。常識があればおかしいと分かるし、​普通は遠慮する。でもそれが無い。それ等は「多様性」の言葉では無い。言葉の通じない何故か自分優先の「我儘」。そういう民度。不正ログインも同じ。











大おじいさん ご先祖様方 いつもありがとうございます


​, 酒井雅代 Masayo Sakai



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